Mindset is as important as talent. This post explores five of the most toxic mindsets that will prevent you from succeeding in your artistic career.

Be Patient, with Ashley Tabatabai
Episode 12 of the podcast. Acting, making a film, improving your craft and using real life as an inspiration, with Ashley Tabatabai.

Book Review: How Life Works, by Andrew Matthews
“How Life Works” by Andrew Matthews is about why the same things keep happening to you and how changing your feelings can change your life.

Never Stop Learning, with Lauren Shields
Second episode of the podcast, with Lauren Shields. We talk about organising your time, inspiration and taking a different path.

You Are Unique! With Joseph O’Reilly
First episode of The Part-Time Artist Podcast, with Joseph O’Reilly. We discuss auditions, stress, time management, rejection, and how not to compare yourself to others.

8 Creative Women Who Will Inspire You
The amazing women artists who inspired me have in common their courage, their grit, their capability to reinvent themselves and their love for what they do.