When you quit your job to become a full-time artist, there are unexpected consequences. This article talks about them, positive or negative.

How to Start a Podcast on a (Very) Low Budget
Creating a podcast is not as expensive as you think! From microphone to hosting, here are solutions to start a podcast on a small budget.

Never Stop Learning, with Lauren Shields
Second episode of the podcast, with Lauren Shields. We talk about organising your time, inspiration and taking a different path.

How To Motivate Yourself When You Feel Lazy
Feeling too lazy to accomplish anything productive? This post talks about strategies to motivate yourself even when you don’t feel like it.

Let’s Talk About the Book: What’s In It?
The Part-Time Artist is a non fiction book that helps creative people find enough time, energy and determination to achieve their dreams.

If You Feel Like Quitting, Read This!
If you feel like quitting your art, don’t make any big decision immediately! Instead, go through the three sheets process, and decide afterwards.

You Are Unique! With Joseph O’Reilly
First episode of The Part-Time Artist Podcast, with Joseph O’Reilly. We discuss auditions, stress, time management, rejection, and how not to compare yourself to others.

How to Make Money with Your Art
Many artists think it’s impossible to make money from their art. This post talks about mindset, products, marketing and a 30-day challenge to make money!

More Time, Money & Confidence for your Creative Career
The Artist booster is a short FREE eBook that will help you with the three main issues artists encounter: time, money and confidence.

How to Get Out of a Rut
Being in a rut can happen to any creative at any point of their career. In this article you’ll find techniques to get the spark going again!