The Imposter Syndrome plagues many artists, especially the high achievers amongst us. Here are some tips to recognise it and deal with it!

Can a Media Detox Help Your Mental Health?
Is social media and the news making you feel depressed, stressed or anxious? Then you might be interested in a media detox!

5 Toxic Mindsets That Will Hinder Your Artistic Career
Mindset is as important as talent. This post explores five of the most toxic mindsets that will prevent you from succeeding in your artistic career.

Productivity During the Coronavirus Lockdown
The hustle culture would like you to believe that you need something to “show for” your time during this pandemic. But productivity shouldn’t be the goal right now.

Find Your Purpose as an Artist
Finding your purpose as an artist can help your productivity, your motivation and your mental health. Here are a few tips to define your goals.

Ten Tips to Help You During the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus is an unprecedented crisis and many artists are impacted. Here are a few tips if your mental health and/or revenues are suffering.

Social Media Policy For Your Mental Health
Whether you use social media to further your career or to sell your art, it’s a good idea to develop your own policy to protect your mental health.

Loneliness and Being an Artist
Loneliness is an experience that many artists go through and it can be devastating for your mental health. Here are a few ideas to get out of it.

How to Overcome Your Inner Saboteur
The inner saboteur is a voice in your head that preys on your fears and insecurities. This post talks about tactics to identify and fight it.

How to Get Out of a Rut
Being in a rut can happen to any creative at any point of their career. In this article you’ll find techniques to get the spark going again!