Finding your purpose as an artist can help your productivity, your motivation and your mental health. Here are a few tips to define your goals.

Announcement: The Part-Time Artist and the Coronavirus
Here are some of the changes to The Part-Time Artist that will take place in the next few weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ten Tips to Help You During the Coronavirus Crisis
The coronavirus is an unprecedented crisis and many artists are impacted. Here are a few tips if your mental health and/or revenues are suffering.

A Mental Health Guide For Artists And Creative People
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: Happy, Not Tortured is a book about how you can change your habits to improve your mental health, so you can keep creating your art.

Time Management for Artists
As an artist with a day job, you probably don’t have much time to allocate to your art. So this article is all about how to improve your time management.

Social Media Policy For Your Mental Health
Whether you use social media to further your career or to sell your art, it’s a good idea to develop your own policy to protect your mental health.

What To Do When You Hate Your Day Job
Most artists have a job to pay the bills. But what if you hate your job? What if you can’t quit? What if you’re bullied? Read this article for tips.

Loneliness and Being an Artist
Loneliness is an experience that many artists go through and it can be devastating for your mental health. Here are a few ideas to get out of it.

Book Review: Natural Born Winners, by Robin Sieger
“Natural Born Winners” by Robin Sieger is about the habits and secrets of success, how to get over your failures, and achieve happiness.

Marketing Yourself as an Artist
Marketing yourself can be very difficult for artists and creative people. In this article, I give you tips to do it in an easy and ethical way.