As an artist, motivation can only get you so far. If you really want to be productive, you’ll need something much more powerful: a habit.

Sales, Promotions and Black Friday for Artists
Sales & promotions can feel daunting when you’re an artist just trying to sell your work. Here’s my guide to do it simply and get more customers!

How to Price Your Art
How to price your art is a very tricky skill to learn. In this article, I give you many tips to find the perfect price for your work!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Podcast Cancellation
As of November 2020, the Part-Time Artist Podcast will no longer be available in traditional podcast apps.

Why You Should Do a Challenge Like Inktober or Nanowrimo
It’s almost Inktober and Nanowrimo! In this article, I give you five reasons why you should participate in a creative challenge. Go go go!

How to Get Back into Creating After a Long Break
Going back to being an artist after a break can be difficult. This post will give you tips to get back into rhythm without feeling guilty!

Can a Media Detox Help Your Mental Health?
Is social media and the news making you feel depressed, stressed or anxious? Then you might be interested in a media detox!

Should You Start a Youtube Channel as an Artist?
In the age of more and more Youtube restrictions and changes to their monetising system, is it still worth creating a channel as an artist?

5 Toxic Mindsets That Will Hinder Your Artistic Career
Mindset is as important as talent. This post explores five of the most toxic mindsets that will prevent you from succeeding in your artistic career.

Productivity During the Coronavirus Lockdown
The hustle culture would like you to believe that you need something to “show for” your time during this pandemic. But productivity shouldn’t be the goal right now.