As an artist, motivation can only get you so far. If you really want to be productive, you’ll need something much more powerful: a habit.

How to Get Back into Creating After a Long Break
Going back to being an artist after a break can be difficult. This post will give you tips to get back into rhythm without feeling guilty!

Productivity During the Coronavirus Lockdown
The hustle culture would like you to believe that you need something to “show for” your time during this pandemic. But productivity shouldn’t be the goal right now.

8 Things That Happen When You Quit Your Day Job
When you quit your job to become a full-time artist, there are unexpected consequences. This article talks about them, positive or negative.

How To Motivate Yourself When You Feel Lazy
Feeling too lazy to accomplish anything productive? This post talks about strategies to motivate yourself even when you don’t feel like it.

Build a Routine To Be More Productive
Building a routine is the most efficient way to increase your productivity as an artist. In this post, learn how to schedule your sessions and build a habit.