Starting a project is easy. Finishing it is much harder! Here’s some tips to finish any artistic project you want, without burning out!

5 Tips to Increase Your Instagram Following
Instagram is a popular platform for artists and fans alike. If you follow these tips, you’ll develop an enthusiastic audience for your art.

How to Overcome Your Inner Saboteur
The inner saboteur is a voice in your head that preys on your fears and insecurities. This post talks about tactics to identify and fight it.

8 Things That Happen When You Quit Your Day Job
When you quit your job to become a full-time artist, there are unexpected consequences. This article talks about them, positive or negative.

How to Start a Podcast on a (Very) Low Budget
Creating a podcast is not as expensive as you think! From microphone to hosting, here are solutions to start a podcast on a small budget.

How To Motivate Yourself When You Feel Lazy
Feeling too lazy to accomplish anything productive? This post talks about strategies to motivate yourself even when you don’t feel like it.

If You Feel Like Quitting, Read This!
If you feel like quitting your art, don’t make any big decision immediately! Instead, go through the three sheets process, and decide afterwards.

Don’t Let Anxiety Kill Your Creativity
Mental health struggles are a reality for many artists. Anxiety is one of them, and it can prevent you from creating. Here’s how you can fight it.

How To Be an Artist With a Full-Time Job
Being an artist when you have a full-time job is challenging and finding the right balance is not always easy. You need a strategy!

How to Grow Your Twitter Audience as an Artist
When used correctly, Twitter can be a formidable tool for promoting your art and network with other creatives in your industry.