Do you want to write for the blog? I am now accepting guest writers for The Part-Time Artist! I am particularly looking for creative people (from any field, country or background) who can speak from their own experience. Topics that would fit the blog include (but are not limited to):
- Motivation, how to be productive
- Mental health
- Money, becoming a full-time artist
- Marketing, selling your art
- Creating a community, meeting other artists
- Reviews of books, shows, platforms dedicated to helping artists
- Issues encountered in specific industries such as music, film, graphic arts…
If that sounds like something you want to write about, use the contact form below to submit your ideas. I am looking for articles that are longer than a 1000 words.
If I decide to work with you, I’ll have full editorial control on the final result. You’ll be credited with a profile picture, a biography and links to your website/social media at the end of the article.
Please note that guest contributors are unpaid, and that I do not accept affiliate/advertising links in the articles.