A Podcast for Creative People
The Part-Time Artist Podcast is a show where artists from various fields talk about their story, their daily life and their struggles.
The podcast is all about how to survive as an artist, how to find the time to create, how to set up your creative business and much more.
Click on the titles to read more
For this first episode, I was very lucky to be able to interview one of the contributors for the book, musical theatre performer Joseph O’Reilly!

Together we talk about auditions, rejections and comparisons with other performers. You don’t want to miss this episode!
If you want to know more about Joseph, find him on Instagram.
In this episode, we talk about organising your time when you have a “muggle job”, why a good teacher can help young artists, and why drama school is not the only path, with my guest singer Lauren Shields.

Lauren is a singer and performer, and she’s one half of the cabaret duo The Diva List. She produces her own shows, and she juggles her singing activities with a busy day job. She was one of the contributors for the book, and has inspired my own routines and time management systems.
If you want to follow Lauren:
- Website: https://www.misslshields.co.uk/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MissLShields
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misslshields/
In this episode, we talk about using art as a therapy, teaching to young students, finding the things that inspire you and changing society’s perception of art, with my guest Juan Carlos Porcel.

Juan Carlos makes video games, comic books and replicas. He is also an art teacher, and a prolific Youtuber.
If you want to see his creations:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/jcporcel
- Haters Comic: http://www.haterscomic.com/
- The Elder Props: http://elderprops.com/
In this episode, we talk about building a creative business, dealing with taxes even when it’s painful, and feeling confident about your skills, with my guest editor Vicky Brewster.

Vicky is an editor based in South Wales, UK. She has an accounting background and is currently doing a PhD in English Literature.
If you want to follow Vicky:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/VProofreader
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vickybrewstereditor/
- Website: https://vickybrewstereditor.com/
- Email: info@vickybrewstereditor.com
- Vicky’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vickybrewstereditor
- The Writing Haunt: https://www.thewritinghaunt.com/
- The Writing Haunt on Crowdfunder: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-writing-haunt
In this episode, we talk about being a full-time artist, selling your art, persisting despite the obstacles and living a minimalist life, with my guest painter Mia Hawk.

Mia is a self-taught painter. She has been running her artist business for the past 4 years, and has sold thousands of t-shirts and prints of her original art work.
If you want to follow Mia:
- Website: www.miahawk.co.uk
- Crowdfunding Project: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/extraordinary-women-a-painting-series#/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miaskyhawk/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiaHawkART/
In this episode, we talk about self-publishing a children’s book, marketing yourself as a artist, being diagnosed with HIV and writing as a therapy, with my guest Grant Koper.

Grant is the author of ‘The Day Granny’s Knickers Blew Away!’, a wonderful illustrated book for children. He is also a performer.
If you want to follow Grant:
- Website & Book: https://grantkoper.com/
- Chat Positive Blog: https://chatpositive.com/
In this episode, we talk about creating a thriving Youtube channel, crowdfunding an original book, working while having a family and taking the leap to create your own business, with my guest Andy Robertson.

Andy is a gaming journalist and a prolific Youtuber. He runs Family Gamer TV and freelances for Forbes, The Guardian and BBC. He is also a TEDx alumni.
If you want to follow Andy:
- Taming Gaming book: https://unbound.com/books/taming-gaming/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeekDadGamer
- Youtube Family Gamer TV: https://www.youtube.com/user/FamilyGamerTV
- Youtube Family Gamer Radio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC74IWX5w8ZzqR3uATSXrfaw
In this episode, we talk about finishing your first book, self-publishing vs traditional publishing, and mental health for creatives, with my guest T.A. Hernandez.

T. A. Hernandez is a science fiction and fantasy author and long-time fan of speculative fiction. She’s also an artist who does her own illustrations, and a mental health worker.
If you want to follow Tanni:
- Website: https://www.tahernandez.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ta_hernandez5
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ta_hernandez5/
For this episode, the show is on the road at the Young Adult Literature Convention in London.

I was lucky to interview several awesome guests, and together we talked about the YA book industry, libraries, publishing, working with an agent, making book-inspired jewellery, studying, blogging and much more!
- Louise Judge, librarian
- Leah and Rachel from the BA in Creative Writing at Bournemouth University
- Gill Stewart, author, and Cecilia, managing director at Sweet Cherry Tree Publishing
- Mariyam, jewellery maker at Oh Panda Eyes
- Chelley Toy, book blogger
- Chloe Seager, literary agent and author.
You can find more information about my guests at:
- Louise Judge:
- Arts University Bournemouth, BA in Creative Writing:
- Sweet Cherry Tree Publishing:
- Gill Stewart:
- Oh Panda Eyes:
- Chelley Toy
- Chloe Seager:
This episode is a solo show, and the theme is mental health.

Research has found that people in the creative industry are 3 times more likely to suffer from mental health problems. In this episode, I talk about the factors that might make artists more likely to develop these issues, and I give some advice to help prevent them.
Mental Health Links:
- Study from Ulster University: https://www.inspirewellbeing.org/media/9241/changing-arts-and-minds-creative-industries-summary.pdf
- Mind UK: https://www.mind.org.uk/
- The Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org – UK Line: 116 123 – Email: Joe@samaritans.org
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ – 1-800-273-8255.
- International Association for Suicide Prevention: https://www.iasp.info/
In this episode, we talk about changing industry, moving to another country to get more opportunities and working with different types of publishers, with my guest Anna Mocikat.

Anna is a novelist and screenwriter who studied and worked in Germany for years, both in the film industry and in the video game industry, before moving to the US.
If you want to follow Anna:
- Website: http://www.annamocikat.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/anna_mocikat
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amocikat/
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Anna-Mocikat/e/B00IW3OO9A%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
- Trailer for Shadow City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2t62YKLaMU
- Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8072081.Anna_Mocikat
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annamocikat/?hl=en
In this episode, we talk about acting, making a film, improving your craft and using real life as an inspiration, with my guest actor and filmmaker Ashley Tabatabai.
Ashley is an award winning International actor and filmmaker from a culturally diverse background.
If you want to follow Ashley:

Eugenie George, MBA, CFEI is a financial educator, author and founder and host of Money and Flow, a podcast to help with listeners with finance questions. She is also a keynote speaker on equity and Millennial money engagement in the workplace. As a former teacher, she brings excitement to the stage with engaging stories and data that can help multigenerational bridge together the Millennial gap.
If you want to follow Eugenié:
- Website: https://eugeniegeorge.com/
- The Money and Flow Podcast: https://eugeniegeorge.com/podcast
- Your money ancestral archetype: https://content.leadquizzes.com/lp/KpAqXdHCBQ
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/_EugenieGeorge
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_eugeniegeorge/
This is the last episode of the season, and today I have two guests: Montse Carrasco and Arif Alfaraz, from To Be Creatives!

Montse is a theatre blogger and content creator from Barcelona, Spain, and Arif is a writer, actor and Youtuber, also from Spain. Together, they have created To Be Creative Ltd, which is an equality promoter Theatre/Film Company based in the UK.
In this episode, we talk about creating a theatre production company, asking for help, finding the perfect collaborator and having a long-term plan.
If you want to follow Montse and Arif:
- To Be Creatives Website: http://tobecreatives.com
- To Be Creatives Social Media:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tobecreatives/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/to_becreative
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/to_becreative/
- Montse’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montsesheridan/
- Arif’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arif_alfaraz/
- In Wonderland Arif and Ricky: